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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find many answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we get from folks looking to make Hackberry Creek their home.  If you have a need for any additional information please reach out to us at the office and we will do our best to get you the answers you are looking for.

What is the Hackberry Creek Homeowners Association?

Hackberry Creek Village is a deed restricted community with recorded Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions which govern the use of our land.


The Hackberry Creek Home Owners Association has the responsibility for the overall administration of our Village. Once an owner has closed, they are automatically members of the Association.


The Association is governed by an elected Board of Directors with daily management responsibilities handled by a professional management company on a contract basis.

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Golf player walking

If I Move into Hackberry Creek, am I Automatically a Member of the Hackberry Creek Country Club?

Moving into Hackberry Creek does not automatically make you a Member of the Hackberry Creek Country Club, but there are membership discounts available.


The Home Owners Association and the Hackberry Creek Country Club have an agreement whereby 20% of all Annual Assessments collected are paid to the Country Club. In return for this payment, Association Members are entitled to discounted membership rates in the Club.


Information about Country Club amenities, membership, and a current Homeowner Fee schedule can be obtained by visiting the Club website.

What is the Las Colinas Association and What is Their Relationship to Hackberry Creek?

The Las Colinas Association is a 12,000 acre master planned development located within the City of Irving. All lots in Hackberry Creek are located within the Las Colinas development. 


The Las Colinas Association’s goal is to preserve and enhance the quality of life and property values in Las Colinas through the enforcement of the deed restrictions and delivery of various services which are funded by the membership’s collective annual assessments. Among these are: Architectural Control, Common Property Maintenance, Alarm Monitoring and Patrol and Accounting Services.


Every person or entity who owns deed restricted property in Las Colinas, is a member of the Association and receives these services. The Annual Assessment rate for the Las Colinas Association for the current year is $.14 per $100 of assessed valuation. For contact information, visit Las Colinas Association website.

Audience and Lecturer

When is the Next  Hackberry Creek Annual Meeting?

Each year on the third Wednesday in October.


The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to elect Board of Directors open positions, if any, and conduct other business of the Association. A Notice of the Annual Meeting and Proxy are mailed to all Members in early September, along with information about the candidates running for a place on the Board of Directors.

How Can I Become More Involved Once I Move into Hackberry Creek?

Hackberry Creek offers many opportunities to become involved!


The Village has several very active Clubs & Groups. In addition, the Hackberry Creek resident volunteers coordinate multiple community events throughout the year. There are many opportunities for you to participate at any one of our annual community events. Information about events and volunteering is published in our bi-monthly community magazine, Hackberry Creek Living, and in the email blast, Hackberry Creek Newsflash.


Please visit our Committees page for more info on how to get involved!

Finishing Touches

I Want to Make Changes to the Exterior of My Home.
Do I Need Approval of the HOA First?

Any changes or improvements to the exterior or landscape of any home must comply with the Hackberry Creek Design Guidelines.  Additionally. any changes must also be approved by the Las Colinas Architectural Control Committee prior to commencing the work. Interior changes to the homes do not need to be approved.


Changes which need approval include exterior remodeling, painting (if the color is changed), new roofs, landscaping, etc. For more information visit the Las Colinas Association website


You can also download a copy of the Hackberry Creek HOA Design Guidelines here.

How Can I Stay Up-To-Date With Everything Happening in Hackberry Creek?

Simply text the word "Hackberry" to 22828 and you'll receive a sign-up link to our weekly email updates.


We publish a weekly NewsFlash with detailed community information each Saturday morning, and also a once-weekly mid-week update for a brief catch-up on time-sensitive information on Wednesday afternoons!


How Are Homeowner Assessments Calculated?

Each Owner is required to pay assessments to the Association. For the 2022-202 fiscal year, the Annual Assessment is $.31 per $100 of the assessed value of your home. In addition to the Annual Assessment, a Special Group Assessment levied to cover Capital Improvements & Replacements ($.13 per $100 of assessed value) is also payable. Assessments cover the cost of the following:


  • Management of our gatehouse personnel

  • Access control & Maintenance of the streets, alleys, walls, gatehouses, parks and other common areas

  • Communications – Hackberry Creek Living Magazine, Hackberry Creek Newsflash, Website, Resident Directory, etc.

  • Discount on Hackberry Creek Country Club Membership

  • Capital Improvements/Replacements

  • Reserve Fund Contribution

  • An on-site Village Manager and Assistant responsible for the day to day management of the Village


The assessment is calculated using the Dallas Central Appraisal District prior year valuation placed on the property and are billed annually in early June with a due date of July 1.


All late assessments accrue interest at the rate of 1.5% of the unpaid balance per month until paid in full. Late assessments are also charged a $20.00 collection fee per month until paid in full. It is important that the assessment payment be received by the Association by the due date.

© 2022 Hackberry Creek Home Owners Association

Hackberry Creek Home Owners Association

7105 Summitview Drive

Irving, Texas 75063

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